Monday 5 March 2012

Notice please.

So today, Musical Royalty had a speaking at my school today. Sounds amazing right? Well, I couldn't go. Why? Because, if my school sucks at one thing it is giving students notice. Somehow they seem to take for granted that the students have nothing else to do then going to school and just assume that everyone has time during a one hour lunch break. Well, I didn't. One teacher even had the nerve to give me a talk. Sometimes... I would have loved to talk to some people in the business, but rent doesn't pay itself and the OPT meetings are hard to get anyways. 24 hour notice and I could possibly have made time, but nooo. Never mind.
I edited my one person show down to 12 minutes. I'm proud of myself. It has a new now: "A trail of man (the Bohemian Ideal)" I halfway cleaned my apartment and now I'm doing laundry. I have to edit Phillips reel till tomorrow and pick out the takes for Vances thing. Short night again I guess, but that's okay. Tomorrow I'll book New York. It's time I get back there. And since D.C. is just like a train ride away, I'll probably visit Annie during Spring Break as well. Hach, life's something beautiful, isn't it?
See you soon lovely people. I'm gonna change laundry now.

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