Thursday 31 May 2012

In the middle of the night.

It always comes to you in the middle of the night. I think my To Do list just doubled within the last 20 minutes, just because I was laying in bed, realizing what I still had to do. Mostly E-Mail stuff, mostly to do with the Fringe and mostly Producing stuff. God, Dave was probably right: "If you're not stressed, you're probably doing something wrong"
Goodbye life, I'll see you in a couple of weeks, I hope you're enjoying yourself while I'm gone off doing other things. At least I have acting in my life, it at least makes me experience life on stage, while my own is not present. Rehearsals are going good. The whole show is blocked and we're working. Everything is working.
Now good night (I'll try to not enlongate my ToDo list anymore haha)

Plus I found this: - the article to it is here.

It's coming.

The most waited for thing at the moment in Hollywood? Les Miserables. It's coming and it's coming soon.  It's weird. Especially being around Scott Ramp for the last semester basically makes everyone who went to our school, no matter if interested in musicals, agreeing or completely disagreeing with the casting, really want to watch this. The gossip about Hugh Jackman and Russell Crow got us there and many other reasons. But yea. I think that's all I wanted to say.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

The Piano on my couch table.

I love this fucking thing. But I'm not quiet sure it's too good for me. The keyboard, which is more like a piano, on my couch table. For the last day I've been spending most of my time on that thing. To learn lines I leave the house, so that I am not getting distracted by it, but it calms me down so much, it is amazing. I love this thing, it makes me happy, sosososoosososo happy. YEY

Sunday 27 May 2012

Sleepy sleep sleep

I'm REALLY tired, but out of some reason I just won't fall asleep. My internet isn't really running either, so I can't even watch bones or anything, so I'm just sitting here, wondering what to do and how I could possibly fall asleep.
My mother and godmother are leaving tomorrow, that makes me sad. I enjoy having them here. Out of some reason life always seems a tiny bit better when your family's around. It makes things easier, life easier. I'm glad they were here. Thank you sooooooo much, it really made me happy.
And now I'm gonna try to fall asleep again.


I think this pretty much summarizes our graduation and the two years in Acting School:

Thursday 24 May 2012

The Relationship Play.

4 Hours of rehearsal recorded. It is quiet fantastic. Everything for eternity. Jokes from your director, re-writes that I never should have made, confusion, dislikes, likes, random comments about orange pants, long speeches, pissy moods, everything.
I love rehearsals.


You're never out of work, something's never finished, that's also why I'm on my, what feels like 30th re-write. As long as it serves the play, I'm okay with it, but at the moment I'm not sure, that's why everything's now on post-it's. And there are colored markers on sides that either need working, or have been worked on, or where I had an idea or ACTUALLY an acting note haha.
I've been going through a lot of post-it's. But that's life and I love it.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Fashion Institute of Technology und der Wasserturm.

This is good.
We started rehearsals today. For the next two days i'm still allowed to be a writer, then I'm going to get into the acting part of it, but the research is already fun: Learning about the FIT - hell yea! And things like this...

This is going to be good, it needs to be good, this is good. oh god, my heart is racing. 2 weeks, that's all we've got. 2 bloody weeks. God.
But we do indeed have a brilliant cast: Erica Stenberg, Michael Harrison, Mike Shill, Nicolas Fagerberg, Paige Simon and Tessa Flores, and myself. To work with brilliant actors like that you want to give them everything. I cannot deny that I've got the elite of my school, and I'm proud of it. Very, very proud.
This is going to be good.

PS: Sometimes you learn about stupid things your own city does while doing research, like: Sie verschieben den scheiss Wasserturm! Was fällt denen den eigentlich ein? Das geht ja wohl mal gar nicht, so gar und überhaubt rein rein gar nicht! Holy...
Was genau, das hier...

Monday 21 May 2012


Hollywood is crazy. Last week was Season Finale week and the quotes and the renewals are out already. Some of them are brilliant and so on and so forth.
I'm happy because I get my southern bells for more. YEY

But look for your self what awaits us next season...

Sunday 20 May 2012


We did it. That's it. It was truly amazing an an honor! I'm going to miss this. My heart goes out to you. May we see each other soon in the future.
Photos follow soon.
Class of 2012 you rock.

Friday 18 May 2012

Hello future.

Sooo, what exactly is coming up. Tuesday we start rehearsing for the play, and then there are a couple of other things lining up. Yes, I had fun with screen capturing, so see for yourself:

Thursday 17 May 2012


No more classes, one last play to go, 60 hours till graduation. It's weird, isn't it?
I was pretty certain that I needed attention today so I dressed up in blue. Not really in the morning, when I should have, because suddenly Miss Hayes proclaimed that I am too shy. I'm not really worried, I think that's a good thing. I was talking to Earnest today, the short shoot is coming up, next to the rehearsals for The Relationship Play. But it's going well. Not all of us will come out actors. We never will. Marina's now certain that she's an editor, Earnest is a producer, Alaska still needs to figure out what the fuck he is haha, Sandra's a casting director, I'm a writer director. We're all and always be actors, but that's what we figured out. Life happens when you make other plans, Goals change while you live. It's a good thing. You'll never fully know who the fuck you are. It's a good thing. There's only one certain thing: From sunday on we're all graduates from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts.

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Snazzy, huh? Haha. I love my mother and godmother being in town. This is good. Places, where you have dress codes, elegance, I like it. I missed my mother, I missed everything. And you should have seen the dress for it haha. I still don't have a graduation dress, but that'll change tomorrow. 
The weather is weird, cold, hot, hot, cold, as long as it cannot make up it's mind everything seems to be okay. Oh LA, LA, LA...

Saturday 12 May 2012

The Relationship Play.

Tickets are on sale here
Opening is in less then a month. YEY


Fucking holy fuck brilliance! Holy fuck! Like really!
This play made me so happy! 3 hours that felt like 30 seconds. And it felt so good. So much Literature, science, math, psycologie, phylosophy and everything.
Sitting in a 500 people theatre and laughing about a pun that was made out of Hobbes theory, it is wonderful. And I don't know if the fact that only a few other people laugh makes it better or worse.
This makes me want to go back to University. Study, read books, use my brain.
I'm not saying that actors don't use their brain, it's just a different part most of the time.
AA Degree, that's definitely coming. I'm not leaving without one.
Maybe community collage, they're not too expensive.
I need to learn. As much as I would hate to admit it, but sitting there hearing about Newton and Hobbes and Theories and Landscaping and History, it made everything so wonderful.
And it made me cry.
Well done.
A fucking hard play to do.
Wonderful cast - you actually and definitely were ALL brilliant. I am proud to know you.
Especially to Kelsey, Sela and Jacob - you made my world tonight.
(And Nicolas, Carolyn and Shayna and Skylar and fucking all of you - OH my god Alex! What a butler! No, I'm not going to get over this)

Friday 11 May 2012

Plays Plays and Plays

This makes me happy, because this is happening tomorrow:

Plus those are mine:

It's one of the best casts (plus Kels is in it) and one of the best plays we perform this year, besides my play of course haha and Terre Nova, which is going up Sunday. 
Sunday is also mothersday and my mam as well as my godmother are flying in. Things are good in life. Tomorrow I'll sit front row. Nicolas looks so enormous on this picture! It makes me laugh. I'm excited YEY

Thursday 10 May 2012

Firealarmfirealarmfirealarm...biipbiipbiip Firealarmfirealarmfirealarm...biipbiipbiip Firealarmfirealarmfirealarm...biipbiipbiip Firealarmfirealarmfirealarm...biipbiipbiip

Im Herzen aller. Zwei Jahre Zeit.

Zwei Jahre ist eine lange Zeit, und doch nicht wirklich.
In 10 Tagen ist alles vorbei. Keine Schule mehr, kein Täglich 8 Uhr aufstehen, kein bitching mehr über völlig unkoordinierte Stundenpläne, keine Lunchbreaks vor Chaplins Bungalow, kein tägliches angeschrien werden "Support!", keine einbrüche in die Teachers Lounge um Tee oder Kaffee zu stehlen, keine Studentin der AADA mehr.
Zwei Jahre.
Vor zwei Jahren kam ich mit dem gleichen Haarschnitt hier an, irgendwie ironisch, nicht.
Zwei Jahre scheinen eine kurze Zeit und doch ist so viel passiert. Examplays, breakdowns, Christina, Hochzeiten, geschrei, geweine, Beinbrüche, Wein, Prom, Freundschaften, Liebschaften, Lügen, Palmen, Haarverlängerungen, Glatzen, Geheimnisse, und so viel mehr.
Vielleicht ist es das Ende das mich sentimental macht.
Die Schweiz fehlt mir. Die Leute fehlen mir. Die Ruhe, der See, die Menschen, die Kaffees, der Fluss, das Holz, die langen Nächte, das ewige Rumgelaufe, die Bars, der offene Alkohol, die Freundlichkeit.
Hier ist vieles anders, nicht schlechter, doch anders.
Würde ich nicht hier sein würden mir wahrscheinlich die Palmen fehlen, die Leute, die nähe zum Meer, die 24 Stunden Läden, die Brodway Produktionen, Amoeba, die riesigen Highways, der Stau, die zu laute Musik, und all das.
Menschen sind immer das wichtigste. Und das ist es wahrscheinlich das mich nervös macht. Letztes mal bin ich gegangen, nun gehen andere. Nicht sofort, doch vereinzelt: Madison, Mikaela, Micaela, Marina, Kelsey, ...
Konstante Adaption.
Doch ich werde mich erinnern, erinnern an den Tag an dem wir fast einen Erstklässer umgefahren haben, an den Tag an dem Mr. Hart auf mich zugerannt ist mit den Worten: "I am so glad to see you, you always have to come back to me", an mein erstes Staged Reading, an all die Exam Plays, an die Tage an welchen Mr. Piers sich an Charlie rangeworfen hat, oder weniger viel zu zählen, an denen welche nicht, an den 13. Februar 2011, an die Momente die wir durch die Parking Lots getanzt sind, an die Überessung von Subway Sadwiches, an Marinas Parties, an alles werde ich mich erinnern, und jeden Tag wieder etwas neues Hinzufügen.
Dafür das wir gelebt haben. Vollkommen.
Noch 10 Tage.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Tuesday 8 May 2012

One Day.

One day off, that's what I took today. One day off, only to realize that the world keeps on turning and that one day can be a lot of time where you don't get work done.
I took my whole last week off from 'The Relationship Play.' to concentrate on my Examplay, and today I just did nothing - one day.
I ignored phone calls I let everything go straight to voice mail, now it's time to act again. Doing things getting things done. We premiere in exactly a month and there's still a lot to be done.
It's terrifying, but good. - This reminds me of a conversation I had lately: "If it doesn't terrify you, it's not worth doing it."It has a lot of truth to it.
Tomorrow I'll deal with my stage manager and my director. The re-writes are done, but still no comeback from Martin. It will work. Everything will turn out as it is supposed to, as long as we keep on going and doing things. Now.
"Nothing will ever give up on you, you can only give up on something" - Plays can make the world go round, can't they. They set quotes in your head and they will hunt you. So there we go.
Amazing performance tonight.

Have a good night.

Monday 7 May 2012


This is what happens when we're not at the same place, but someone is turning 20.
Happy Birthday my dear McKenna (in case you didn't got that already on Facebook...)