Saturday 22 February 2014

History and Journalism.

I find it funny. I'm currently translating a history book and it seems that one side of me is reacting really highly to this: My Journalist side. I remember when I worked for the papers and all they told me is: Use as little adjectives as possible. It is about the story, not what you try to make it to be. Try and get the word count by actually telling something, and then, when there's nothing more to tell, you can add in the adjectives. Fill it up till there's nothing left.
Well this thing is filled with adjectives and all that goes through my mind constantly is: Why? Because I have to say, the story is actually interesting, I mean, it's history for Christ's sake, so why are there so many adjectives? Why do you have to sell it so hard. So I battle my every instinct to just cut all of them out. In the end I get paid to translate what's on a page, not to write what I want. Not yet.

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