Tuesday 31 January 2012

tired, tired, AWAKE, tired, AWAKE, AWAKE, tired, tired.

Soooo.... did I already bitch about my schedule. If I did, I'm sorry, but seriously?

Monday: 11-1 and 4-6
Tuesday: 9-11 and 2-6
Wednesday: 4-6
Thursday: 9-1 and 4-6
Friday: 9-11 and 2-6

So EVERY DAY there's a three hour break in there. What were they thinking? Oh we're students, we don't have a life anyways? Adding up to that, we have a shit load of homework. Getting me to the point where I'm not going to sleep before 2 AM anyways (if you need prove, read when this entry was written, it's close to 1). What do they expect me to do? I can sleep in Wednesday, but then again, I would like a life sometimes as well, and see people, so Wednesday is going to be my social day, since Weekends are booked with homework as well.
I shouldn't complain. There are only 7 weeks to go, and I actually like this semester. The classes are good, the people are good, and it already seems to be slipping through my fingers. But just, this schedule.....
There is one good thing I've discovered today. A web series, called Dating Rules from my future Self. You should look at it. It kind of made my day.
I'm gonna go back to work now. Writing scenes (I told you it's a good semester. I finally get to write my own stuff.)
Lots of love

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