I learned how to use an old film camera, went to student film screenings (the best and at the same moment the worst thing I've ever done. If you're going to a student film screening and you're an actor - bring a bottle of vodka. Some movies may be fabulously made but the acting just sucks - like it really really sucks! Not in all of them, some of them had the fortune to have some actors as their friends - good for them. But there were also some fabulous movies, same as some really painfully bad ones, well never mind. If you want to know what I'm talking about, go to a student film screening), I shot my first short film (that was exciting!) had dinner in little Italy, been to Time Square, in Central Park, went shopping at TopShop, was at the Metropolitan Museum and saw the Alexander McQueen exibithion (that was a fucking long line) and so on and so on. And next week is not gonna stop! I'm gonna edit my short movie, shoot another one, be in two other ones (hopefully I don't have to cover my head in embaressment as I did for the other student films when they're screening them) and I'm going to a Yankees game with Corinne. Haha! Can you imagine?! Well, it's a good life here in New York. It definitely is.

YeY - Topshop!
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