Tuesday 7 August 2012

Cars and work and surprises.

So, my car is now my car, I still don't have internet, my bunny's not a bitch anymore, I'm doing Yoga twice a week, my top is getting fixed tomorrow, I still love my apartment, it's ridiculousely hot in LA, I hate the gas prices, I might go up to San Francisco this weekend, if I manage to unpack and pack everything beforehand, Leonies birthday is coming up, I'm out of coke, don't ever trust a salesman, I'm writing a lot of e-mails, I just got my two letters of employment, I'm now officially a DP for a podcast, I know too much about comicbooks, we're working on a web series, 'The Roommates' is out, Working a lot for Vance, having a producer is awesome, not knowing if you have your lead is not, I'm reading a lot, my apartment is still a disaster, my insurance still needs to pay me my car, my deposit things like that, I'm driving a lot (it takes me 1 hour to get to where I now work), I'm not writing enough, it's really sad, and I think that's it. My nails are still blue and I have pretty feet, because I finally got a manicure for the first time in my life.
Pan and Claudia should be in San Francisco by now, they're leaving tomorrow.
Yea, that's it. Thursday, Friday I'll be busy watching examplays (only the ones of the promising students - it's mean). Friday's also Marina's birthday.
Okay, enough enough, I need to go do groceries and have the promised movie night with Kali (but we're definitely NOT watching Drive (never ever again)).


Uhhh, we also had a photoshoot with vance and them, and there's a picture I adore. Anthony was wonderful to work with, so natural, and, believe it or not: I met my match when it comes to sarcasm. Try to top that:

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