For all of you who missed it (and I hope you have a good explenation), even though you can look this up everywhere in the Internet:
Art Direction:
Alice in Wonderland - Robert Stromberg (Production Designe), Karen O'Hara (Set Decoration)
Costume Design:
Alice in Wonderland - Colleen Atwood
Music (Original Score)
Social Network - Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross
Music ( Original Song)
We belong together - Toy Story 3 - Randy Newman
Sound Editing:
Inception - Richard King
Sound Mixing:
Inception - Lora Hirschberg, Gary A. Rizzo, Ed Novick
Visual Effects:
Inception - Paul Franklin, Chris Corbould, Andrew Lockley, Peter Bebb
Inception - Wally Pfister
Film Editing:
Social Network - Angus Wall, Kirk Baxter
Writing (Adapted Screenplay)
Social Network - Aaron Sorkin
Writing (Original Screenplay):
King's Speech - David Seidler
Animated Feature Film:
Toy Story 3 - Lee Unkrich
Documentary (Feature):
Inside Job - Charles Ferguson, Audrey Marrs
Documentary (Short Subject)
Strangers No More - Karen Goodman, Kirk Simon
Foreign Language Film:
In A better World (Denmark)
Short Film (Animated):
The Lost Thing - Shaun Tan, Andrew Ruhemann
Short Film (Live Action)
God of Love - Luke Matheny
Actor in a Supporting Role:
Christian Bale - The Fighter
Actress in a Supporting Role:
Melissa Leo - The Fighter
Actor in a Leading Role:
Colin Firth - King's Speech
Actress in a Leading Role:
Natalie Portman - Black Swan
Tom Hooper - King's Speech
Best Picture:
The King's Speech - Ian Canning, Emile Sherman, Gareth Unwin (Producers)
Monday, 28 February 2011
Sunday, 27 February 2011
Choose your own title!
Hollywood is fascinating, I don't know what else to say...
Night: Windy
Time till the Oscars: 11:46:29
Addiction: Gossip Girl
Fav. Food: Coffee Ice Cream
Time now: 4:14 AM
Only person online in Skype: Valena
Parfume: Chanel Chance
Resume: Short.
That's all you need to know right now. Hollywood is fascinating...
Night: Windy
Time till the Oscars: 11:46:29
Addiction: Gossip Girl
Fav. Food: Coffee Ice Cream
Time now: 4:14 AM
Only person online in Skype: Valena
Parfume: Chanel Chance
Resume: Short.
That's all you need to know right now. Hollywood is fascinating...

Friday, 25 February 2011
Today was freaky.
The weather was insane too: It started up having this incredible smell of summerrain in the air, turned into rain - heavy rain (still) and now there's snow up at the Hollywoodsign! Can you believe this?
Anyways, we had a guest speaker today: David Eigenberg, for those of you who are now going: Who is this? It is 'Steve' from 'Sex and the City', he's pretty awesome haha

Wie wärs mal wieder mit einer Steckbrief zusammenfassung:
Uhrzeit LA: 8:08 PM
Days left of school: 15
Abreit: Viel!!!!!!!!!!!!
Person of the day: David Eigenberg
Füsse: Nass
Temperatur: ARSCHKALT!
Next Upcoming Exam: Theatre History
Oscars: Sonntag
Gerücht der Tages: Die Oscars wurden gecanceld, da die Schauspieler von SAG alle on strike sind, weil sie sich mit den Menschen in Ägypten verbündet haben (WTF! Who the hell is coming up with shit like that?)
Schmukstück: Tiegerschmetterling
Lieblingsfarbe: Rot.
Invention of the day: Haustierstreichler
Musik: Lady Gaga - Monster
Grösste Freude im Moment: NY
Wochenend Pläne: Schlafen, arbeiten (das klingt ja schrecklich haha)
Letzer Besucher in meinem Apartment: Kelsey
Last Shop I was in: Amoeba
Well yea, that's basically it. Have fun.
The weather was insane too: It started up having this incredible smell of summerrain in the air, turned into rain - heavy rain (still) and now there's snow up at the Hollywoodsign! Can you believe this?
Anyways, we had a guest speaker today: David Eigenberg, for those of you who are now going: Who is this? It is 'Steve' from 'Sex and the City', he's pretty awesome haha

Wie wärs mal wieder mit einer Steckbrief zusammenfassung:
Uhrzeit LA: 8:08 PM
Days left of school: 15
Abreit: Viel!!!!!!!!!!!!
Person of the day: David Eigenberg
Füsse: Nass
Temperatur: ARSCHKALT!
Next Upcoming Exam: Theatre History
Oscars: Sonntag
Gerücht der Tages: Die Oscars wurden gecanceld, da die Schauspieler von SAG alle on strike sind, weil sie sich mit den Menschen in Ägypten verbündet haben (WTF! Who the hell is coming up with shit like that?)
Schmukstück: Tiegerschmetterling
Lieblingsfarbe: Rot.
Invention of the day: Haustierstreichler
Musik: Lady Gaga - Monster
Grösste Freude im Moment: NY
Wochenend Pläne: Schlafen, arbeiten (das klingt ja schrecklich haha)
Letzer Besucher in meinem Apartment: Kelsey
Last Shop I was in: Amoeba
Well yea, that's basically it. Have fun.
I know, I just wrote, but my energy is flowing right now. I don't know if it is the Oscars or something. Well, I don't really know, just wanted you to know. Life's awesome, embrace it!
Lots and even more of love <3
PS: I still want a rabbit.
Lots and even more of love <3
PS: I still want a rabbit.
Thursday, 24 February 2011
Time's running!
Gosh I can't believe it: 3 weeks of school left?!?! Are you fucking kidding me? I just got back for second semester! That's not even close to funny! Time's running like a crazy bitch and I still have to memorize the whole shakespear things and all the other stuff, yea well... I still don't have a TV, I'm still working and I'm still sleeping very little (I suppose it's gonna get less with the end of the semester coming up) + I'm 21 and have been out once. That has to change. I've still not been to Vegas, that has to change. Dot.
I miss New York and I miss home (a bit) But life here's still fascinating, I'm really feeling like I life here now (I know I've said that a million times before, but now it's actually true) and I still need a car (not that I haven't had mentioned THAT before)
Today Mikaela and I got lost in the Hollywood Hills, but we decited to take the car and drive up to the hills instead (since I had a car for one day) And we got lost. Well it was fun! The houses up there are more then incredible and we saw and oldschool pink VW Beetle! Awesome!
Yea, I gonna go back and Memorize the Ode to the West Wind, for my movement Final! I can't believe it's already coming to an end!!!!
O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being,
Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead
Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing,
Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red,
Pestilence-stricken multitudes: O thou,
Who chariotest to their dark wintry bed
The wingèd seeds, where they lie cold and low,
Each like a corpse within its grave,until
Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow
Her clarion o'er the dreaming earth, and fill
(Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air)
With living hues and odours plain and hill:
Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere;
Destroyer and Preserver; hear, O hear!
(Percy Bysshe Shelley)
I miss New York and I miss home (a bit) But life here's still fascinating, I'm really feeling like I life here now (I know I've said that a million times before, but now it's actually true) and I still need a car (not that I haven't had mentioned THAT before)
Today Mikaela and I got lost in the Hollywood Hills, but we decited to take the car and drive up to the hills instead (since I had a car for one day) And we got lost. Well it was fun! The houses up there are more then incredible and we saw and oldschool pink VW Beetle! Awesome!
Yea, I gonna go back and Memorize the Ode to the West Wind, for my movement Final! I can't believe it's already coming to an end!!!!
O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being,
Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead
Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing,
Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red,
Pestilence-stricken multitudes: O thou,
Who chariotest to their dark wintry bed
The wingèd seeds, where they lie cold and low,
Each like a corpse within its grave,until
Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow
Her clarion o'er the dreaming earth, and fill
(Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air)
With living hues and odours plain and hill:
Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere;
Destroyer and Preserver; hear, O hear!
(Percy Bysshe Shelley)
Monday, 21 February 2011
Mein erster Einbruch...
Well today was fun. After being completely confused because EVERY FUCKING CLOCK was showing me a different time, I got up at around 11. I was supposed to get a haircut at three, so I thought, well, there's enough time to clean up my appartment, do some work and get cash. I did the first couple of things, then going for the cash, and when I came back to the apartment - I was locked out. I had my keys and everything, but out of some reason my lock decited to break within the five minutes I was away. So Mychal came over and tried it, Lydia tried and after endless tries we called maintenance, how decited to climbe up on my balcony. After realizing that this wouldn't work, he just decited to break into my apartment by pulling out the window. It was fun to watch, but also kind of scary. It is really easy to break in to someones apartment here... Anyways. I had a fun day. I broke into my apartment AND got a hair cut.

Saturday, 19 February 2011
and it rains and rains and rains and rains...
except for, I believe, Wednesday, it has been raining all week long here in Hollywood.
Ich rede hier zwar von normal regen, nicht Flutregen oder so, doch es ist doch etwas frustrierend und auf heute haben sie einen Sturm angesagt! Ich gestehe, als ich das hörte musste ich lachen, und auch Misses Hensel hat mir zugestimmt mit den Worten: "Hier in Los Angeles, weiss niemand was regen eigentlich wirklich ist, geschweige denn ein Sturm" Doch tatsächlich hat es vor wenigen minuten angefangen zu donnern, meine Palmen wehen von einer Seite zur anderen und ich muss heute noch nach draussen - toll das. Aber egal.
Ich rede hier zwar von normal regen, nicht Flutregen oder so, doch es ist doch etwas frustrierend und auf heute haben sie einen Sturm angesagt! Ich gestehe, als ich das hörte musste ich lachen, und auch Misses Hensel hat mir zugestimmt mit den Worten: "Hier in Los Angeles, weiss niemand was regen eigentlich wirklich ist, geschweige denn ein Sturm" Doch tatsächlich hat es vor wenigen minuten angefangen zu donnern, meine Palmen wehen von einer Seite zur anderen und ich muss heute noch nach draussen - toll das. Aber egal.
Friday, 18 February 2011
Nadine ist Hasenverrückt geworden und möchte ein Kaninchen (aber ein kleines):

Keine Ahnung was auf einmal in mich gefahren ist.
Für alle die sich tatsächlich dafür interessieren wie's In LA so geht:
Wetter: Kalt, sonnig, zwischendurch grau
Stimmung: Achterbahn
Abreit: Viel
Highlight des Tages: Skypen mit Todmüdem Fabio YEY
Uhrzeit LA: 1:30 AM
Rechtfertigung für immernoch wach sein: Keine
Morgen: Movment Final, Szene in Acting, Drei Stunden Pause (wo ich duschen muss und grüne Farbe aus meinen Haaren kriegen), Physical Acting, Arbeiten bei Miss Hensel, Into the Woods gucken, Ausgehen
Lieblings Getränk: Immernoch Cola
Farbe meiner Bettwäsche: Rot
Was ich heute getragen habe: Schwarzes Kleid
Musik: Camille - Pâle Septembre (mein Movement piece - ich muss es noch dringend in meinen Kopf bekommen)
Ziele: Für ALL meine szenen Off Book sein, Schwedisch lernen
Wochenende: Drei Tage
Mittagessen: Teigwahren
Jahreszeit: Winter
Letzter Mensch den ich 3D vor mir gesehen habe: Marina, Taxifahrer
Schuhe: Hoch
Also, ende mit dem Schwachsinn! Ich hab noch genug zu tun. Schlafen wäre eine Option haha
Gute Nacht Fabio und Welt

Keine Ahnung was auf einmal in mich gefahren ist.
Für alle die sich tatsächlich dafür interessieren wie's In LA so geht:
Wetter: Kalt, sonnig, zwischendurch grau
Stimmung: Achterbahn
Abreit: Viel
Highlight des Tages: Skypen mit Todmüdem Fabio YEY
Uhrzeit LA: 1:30 AM
Rechtfertigung für immernoch wach sein: Keine
Morgen: Movment Final, Szene in Acting, Drei Stunden Pause (wo ich duschen muss und grüne Farbe aus meinen Haaren kriegen), Physical Acting, Arbeiten bei Miss Hensel, Into the Woods gucken, Ausgehen
Lieblings Getränk: Immernoch Cola
Farbe meiner Bettwäsche: Rot
Was ich heute getragen habe: Schwarzes Kleid
Musik: Camille - Pâle Septembre (mein Movement piece - ich muss es noch dringend in meinen Kopf bekommen)
Ziele: Für ALL meine szenen Off Book sein, Schwedisch lernen
Wochenende: Drei Tage
Mittagessen: Teigwahren
Jahreszeit: Winter
Letzter Mensch den ich 3D vor mir gesehen habe: Marina, Taxifahrer
Schuhe: Hoch
Also, ende mit dem Schwachsinn! Ich hab noch genug zu tun. Schlafen wäre eine Option haha
Gute Nacht Fabio und Welt
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
Truly blessed.
Did I yet tell you what a wonderful section I have? I think I forgot! Unfortunately there is no picture of us (Yet. This has to be arranged in the near future) but they are awesome. I got a wonderful birthday card, and I'm so thankful to know all of them and have them in my life.
Plus I got Champagne from my mam today haha - awesome! And a walking cake.
All I can say is just that I'm truly blessed. Thank you all for being who you are.
Lots of love
(Ps: I can't help but share this note I got for my birthday: "Nonn! You are 21! Good for you." I love you too Jonathan ;P)
Plus I got Champagne from my mam today haha - awesome! And a walking cake.
All I can say is just that I'm truly blessed. Thank you all for being who you are.
Lots of love
(Ps: I can't help but share this note I got for my birthday: "Nonn! You are 21! Good for you." I love you too Jonathan ;P)
It's just Shakespeare...
Well, enough from the after Midterm Relax season, we're back again, and we're moving fast.
At the moment I'm working on two scenes in Acting, two amazing Characters, one of them so drunk that she sees monkeys everywhere and the other one obsessed with winning a beauty contest - they're fun. Plus I'm woking on the Shakespeare Monologue and the Maskwork for Movement that's due Friday.
And today I got another scene, guess what, Shakespeare scene. A lot of british going on at the moment haha. Well let's see how everything works...
At the moment I'm working on two scenes in Acting, two amazing Characters, one of them so drunk that she sees monkeys everywhere and the other one obsessed with winning a beauty contest - they're fun. Plus I'm woking on the Shakespeare Monologue and the Maskwork for Movement that's due Friday.
And today I got another scene, guess what, Shakespeare scene. A lot of british going on at the moment haha. Well let's see how everything works...
Monday, 14 February 2011
My first American Valentinsday, my 21th birthday, the saddest/most loving day since I've got here.
It's been a lot today. Have you ever experianced a day where you walk around and everything seems to have a shade of gray on it? This was today. After Christina dying yesterday and it being Valentinsday, it was weird. There was so much love today at school, so many tears, so much grieve, but mostly, mostly love.
Life is what happens if you make other plans, and like Miss Nichols said: grief is like the ocean, sometimes its calm, sometimes it can be rough, there is no telling what might occur.
I am so thankfull for all of you, and I appreciate all the Happy Birthdays today, even if I might reacted a little strange, they really meant a lot to me.
Live life to the fullest.
Celebrate your Valentinesday and spread the love <3
It's been a lot today. Have you ever experianced a day where you walk around and everything seems to have a shade of gray on it? This was today. After Christina dying yesterday and it being Valentinsday, it was weird. There was so much love today at school, so many tears, so much grieve, but mostly, mostly love.
Life is what happens if you make other plans, and like Miss Nichols said: grief is like the ocean, sometimes its calm, sometimes it can be rough, there is no telling what might occur.
I am so thankfull for all of you, and I appreciate all the Happy Birthdays today, even if I might reacted a little strange, they really meant a lot to me.
Live life to the fullest.
Celebrate your Valentinesday and spread the love <3
Thursday, 10 February 2011
Sunday, 6 February 2011
Mid Terms
Long time no see. I'm sorry.
Life is a little crazy and I like it. Sofie's here and I'm in the middle of my midterms. - Stress. Aber alles ist toll. Die letzten par tage haben wir das hollywood sign gesehen (angetoucht haben wir es nicht, wir waren nicht so in Wanderstimmung) waren in Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Downtown, überall etwas.
Nun sollte ich lernen. Noch zwei Tage bis Midterms durch sind und noch vier prüfungen, dafür hab ich dann Mittwochs frei. YEY! Dann geht unsere Reise nach Venice Beach, bevor mein Herzensmädchen dann wieder zurück in die Schweiz fliegt. Und dann geht es noch 5 Tage bis ich 21 bin. Gosh, I waited long enough, but still turning 21, I'm turning kinda old. But whatever haha, life's awsome!
See you soon my loved ones, see you soon
Life is a little crazy and I like it. Sofie's here and I'm in the middle of my midterms. - Stress. Aber alles ist toll. Die letzten par tage haben wir das hollywood sign gesehen (angetoucht haben wir es nicht, wir waren nicht so in Wanderstimmung) waren in Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Downtown, überall etwas.
Nun sollte ich lernen. Noch zwei Tage bis Midterms durch sind und noch vier prüfungen, dafür hab ich dann Mittwochs frei. YEY! Dann geht unsere Reise nach Venice Beach, bevor mein Herzensmädchen dann wieder zurück in die Schweiz fliegt. Und dann geht es noch 5 Tage bis ich 21 bin. Gosh, I waited long enough, but still turning 21, I'm turning kinda old. But whatever haha, life's awsome!
See you soon my loved ones, see you soon
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