Monday 4 October 2010


It rains! Can you believe it?! and I thought I was in the SunState of America, that it would never rain (Yea, I know it's a bit utophic, but still...)
So I can check that from my list aswell: Rain in California.
Actually it isn't really really raining, like you would know it in Switzerland, like you step out of your house and imediately you're soaked, it's a light rain. You don't really feel like getting wet, but the floor is wet and since I have shoes with wholes in it (Yea, I know I should get some new ones...) my feet were soaked within the 10 minutes I had to walk from my home to school.
Plus the rain ruins my hair! It's all curly again, and you know how I hate my curly hair... but what can you do? It's California, and if it wants to rain, it's going to rain, and I'll like it, because it's California. And besides that it gets 30°C again on the weekend, so never mind a day of rain...
Lots of love

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